Monday, November 30, 2020

Swimming in the Dark, by Tomasz Jedrowski


I really enjoyed this short novel (191 pages) set in 1980s Poland. It tells the story of two young men who meet and fall in love the summer after they finish university. The narrator, Ludwik, is disenchanted with communism and Soviet influence over Poland; whereas, Janusz is eager to work within the system, using his political connections to aid his rise and increase his influence. During the year after university, they clash more and more as the political situation becomes less stable, until Ludwik decides that he must make a break to live honestly. This novel demonstrates the difficulty for the average citizen living in Poland: waiting in lines to buy food, the inability to get medical care unless you have connections,  tiny apartments, censorship, and much more. The author does a wonderful job setting the scene and describing life during that turbulent time. This is his first novel, and I hope to see many more.

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