Monday, September 2, 2024

Outlander, by Diana Gabaldon


I have mixed feelings about this book. I like fantasy and time travel books, as well as historical fiction, so this book seemed like a promising read for me. I liked some aspects of the story, like how Claire was able to fit into 18th century life and use her medical knowledge to help people. She seemed like a real heroine at that point. Some other reviewers (on Amazon) complained about what they thought of as a boring plot. I didn't find it boring, but I disliked many of the plot points. How many times can a woman be threatened by rape or assault without it becoming dull? And, (spoiler alert), how is it that she is threatened with rape, only to be rescued at the last minute, but her husband is raped repeatedly near the end of the book by a sadistic, English military officer? I think the book would have been much better without that. And the way she helps him get over his rape is just ludicrous. I can't believe there are 10 more of these books; one was enough for me.

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