Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Agent 6, by Tom Rob Smith

This is Smith's third book in a series of detective stories set during the Soviet period in Russia. The first in the series, Child 44, was a strong first novel: very suspenseful, interesting characters and setting. I didn't read the second in the series: The Secret Speech, and Smith's fourth book is the stand-alone The Farm. I don't usually read series out of order but I received Agent 6 at BEA and decided to go ahead with it, finding that it's not necessary to read them in order to understand the backstory. This was a good story that spans decades and continents. It addresses communism in the U.S. as well as the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. It has good pacing and memorable characters. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys suspenseful detective stories.

Tom Rob Smith. Agent 6. New York: Grand Central Publishing, 2012. 467 pages. ISBN 9780446550765.

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