Monday, June 15, 2020

Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World, by David Epstein

In his latest work, David Epstein delves into the differences between people who have deep knowledge in a narrow subject and those who have more general knowledge about a wide array of subjects. Writing in the mode of Malcolm Gladwell or the authors of Freakonomics, Epstein uses anecdotes and case studies to illustrate his main points. In chapter after chapter, he shows that better solutions to problems or challenges are found by those with a variety of life experiences and education, or by teams with a lot of diversity. In the end, the best results came from folks with broad knowledge about many subjects, but who also had an area of specialization. While I had hoped for an approach that addressed issues of generalization and specialization at a more common level (e.g., what can I learn and apply to my own life), this was an entertaining and interesting read.

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